La Ginestra, l'oro della Calabria - Malìa Lab Atelier di moda biologica artigianale etica - Articoli - Flavia Amato -

Ginestra, the gold of Calabria

Ginestra is part of the history of our territory and the yarn obtained from the plant is an ancient resource, to be rediscovered and valorised. Thanks to the SMAFINEC project Malìa has become part ...

CollezioniSpolverino Lana Seta velato Camicia Valentina modal Pantalone Francesca cupro collezione primavera estate Atelier Moda Biologica Sostenibile Artigianale Malia Lab abbigliamento biologico naturale sostenibile moda artigianale sartoria

S/S The rules of lightheartedness

There is nothing healthier for our body than indulging in the freedom of our dreams and we at Malìa have chosen to indulge in ours, designing a collection full of colors, new fabrics and different ...

5 Motivi per scegliere un regalo artigianale...E non solo a Natale - Malìa Lab Atelier di moda biologica artigianale etica -  - Flavia Amato -

5 Reasons to choose a handcrafted gift...And not just at Christmas

Whether it is for yourself or for a loved one, a handcrafted product will have a special effect on those who receive it.

CollezioniCollezione A/I Il primo viaggio insieme - Malìa Lab Atelier di moda biologica artigianale etica - Collezioni - Flavia Amato -

A/W Collection The first trip together

This collection is truly a piece of my heart for me and is the result of my journey over these 5 years of sustainable creations. From the beginning of the Malìa project, I had the desire to involv...

RiconoscimentiFashion revolution map dell'italia dove siamo presenti anche noi di Malia Lab

We are on the fashion Revolution MAP!

A great honor to be recognized for the commitment that our brand carries out in the transition towards more sustainable fashion. We are on the map together with many other companies that, like us, ...

CollezioniCollezione Primavera Estate ELEGANTE PER NATURA - Malìa Lab Atelier di moda biologica artigianale etica - Collezioni - Flavia Amato -

Spring Summer Collection ELEGANT BY NATURE

It was not an easy period, spring 2020 will remain imprinted in our memories...We never lost hope, we rolled up our sleeves and despite the difficulties, common to all, we managed to complete the n...

ArticoliCanottiera Perla e pantalone Ariel in lyocell e seacell bianco atelier Malìa Lab

Startup Italia article: Green fashion, the eternal clothes of Flavia Amato

In 2008, I left Calabria thinking it didn't have much to offer me for my personal growth. Years later, I discovered the richness of its textile history. This drove me to return and create an innova...

EventiOscar Green 2019 Coldiretti Giovani Impresa - Malìa Lab Atelier di moda biologica artigianale etica - Eventi - Flavia Amato -

Oscar Green 2019 Coldiretti Giovani Impresa

An experience to remember and tell... two intense days at the Coldiretti headquarters in Rome for the Oscar Green 2019 event "Daring is the Future". A splendid full immersion with 17 othe...

ArticoliMalìa su FuoriTG approfondimento del TG3 - Malìa Lab Atelier di moda biologica artigianale etica - Articoli, Interviste - Flavia Amato -

Malìa on FuoriTG in-depth analysis of TG3

With this photo in the company of the splendid Lara Nicoli we present to you the service that was broadcast on Rai 3 at 12.20 in the in-depth analysis FuoriTg , the daily program of Tg3. It was a g...

ArticoliFlavia Amato La C intervista di Rossella Galati

Interview on La C by Rossella Galati

  Yesterday on LaC News24 (channel 19) aired a beautiful report by Rossella Galati that tells the world of Malìa. It was a very well-crafted and impactful report, for this I thank Rossella for the ...