Articolo su la C news: Dall’Accademia delle Belle Arti nelle Marche, fino a Guardavalle

Article on C news: From the Academy of Fine Arts in the Marche, to Guardavalle

"A pleasant chat made with Asmara Bassetti from La C News. She tells a bit of everything about us and does it in her particular style." 

RiconoscimentiMalìa Lab tra i 100 Innovatori 2022 stilata da StartupItalia: Moda Etica Senza Tempo

Flavia Amato among the 100 innovators of 2022 according to StartupItalia

"We are honored to be included in Startup Italia's list of the 100 innovators of 2022. This recognition confirms that with Malìa Lab we are contributing to a real change in the fashion world, promo...

EventiSpeaker per un giorno al SIOS WINTER EDITION

Speaker for one day at SIOS WINTER EDITION

"Proud to share the mission of our ethical and sustainable clothing brand during the event 'THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY' with Startup Italia and Bocconi University."

ArticoliFlavia Amato creatrice di Malìa Lab, il brand di moda sostenibile

Startup Italia article: "Sustainable fashion is not hippie stuff"

"I am fortunate to do the work I have always loved and to be able to carry it out while upholding my ideals. A heartfelt thanks to Alessandro di Stefano of STARTUPITALIA."

ArticoliArticolo su Il sole 24 ore: L'innovazione nascosta che spinge le PMI Italiane

Article on Il sole 24 ore: The hidden innovation that drives Italian SMEs

"Being mentioned in Sole 24 Ore is always special and a source of pride. As I have written before, I am fortunate to do the work I have always loved." A sincere and special thanks to Giampaolo Coll...

ArticoliArticolo Italia che Cambia: La sartoria artigianale etica di Flavia, tornata in Calabria per restare

Article Italy that Changes: Flavia's ethical artisan tailoring, returned to Calabria to stay

A huge thank you to Elisa Elia and Italia che Cambia for telling the story of Malìa Lab. A southern enterprise, returning to artisanal tradition, we create made-to-order garments in certified natur...

Ultime creazioni, Malìa Lab cresce e fa un altro passo avanti - Malìa Lab Atelier di moda biologica artigianale etica -  - Flavia Amato -

Latest creations, Malìa Lab grows and takes another step forward

Malia is a constantly evolving brand, which is why we thought we'd take another step in growth. It was important to follow up on our initial idea, to design and create fashion based on the physical...

ArticoliOpen Innovation strumento definitivo per la competizione

Open Innovation definitive tool for competition

"When I decided to start our project of ethical tailoring atelier and sustainable clothing in Southern Italy, I knew it would be a challenge. This beautiful article tells the story of our bet to do...

CollezioniNuova collezione "TERRA MIA" - Malìa Lab Atelier di moda biologica artigianale etica - Collezioni - Flavia Amato -

New collection "TERRA MIA"

Terra mia has something special in itself...It is in fact the first collection, since the creation of Malìa, told by shots taken in our territory and with the first recovered products of the Calabr...

ArticoliArticolo su La Repubblica: La ginestra oltre i fiori: non si butta via niente

Article in La Repubblica: The broom beyond the flowers: nothing is thrown away

A great honor to participate in the Smafinec project as a designer. The broom is a heritage of our land and our history. For me it is very important to lend my skills in order to help, albeit in a ...