Noemi Spinetti e Flavia Amato indossano Abito Laura gonna Anna blusa Erika malia lab atelier moda artigianale etica

Doing business in Italy is not easy, and in Calabria it is worth double

An entrepreneur, in my case a craftsman, carries out not only a manual activity, but also a very heavy mental one, which drains your energy and as much as you can derive satisfaction and energy fro...

Un regalo artigianale, ha sempre qualcosa in più.

A handcrafted gift, always has something extra.

When you give a handmade product as a gift, you are simply telling that person that they deserve something unique, original and special, like them.

StoriaFLAVIA AMATO moda ecologica artigianale calabria atelier malia lab abbigliamento etico sostenibile tessuti biologici di alta qualità per la pelle ed il benessere del pianeta

My idea of sustainable fashion

Sustainability is one of the founding principles of the Malìa project and respect for this value is reflected in every area. The textile fibers we use are all of natural origin, with certifications...

Malìa, tornare in Calabria per fare impresa

Malìa, returning to Calabria to do business

The idea, or rather the dream, that accompanied me during this journey, was born much earlier in my mind and it took a while to gather courage and even be able to imagine being able to design somet...

BiografiaL'importanza di mia nonna nella mia scelta

The importance of my grandmother in my choice

Even as a child, I loved being with my grandmother when she sat at her sewing machine. There were no electric sewing machines in homes yet and my grandmother had a treadle one. I remember that some...

ConsigliCollant strappato? Non buttarlo! Riciclalo con questo tutorial

Torn pantyhose? Don't throw it away! Recycle it with this tutorial

Do you have torn tights and are thinking of throwing them away? DO NOT DO IT! ✋ With this tutorial the tights will have a second, or rather a third life!😍 Try it!

ConsigliCome realizzare uno scrunchies Flavia Amato Tutorial malia lab scrunchies artigianale

How to make scrunchies

How to make a scrunchie with small scraps of fabric. An elastic that does not damage the hair and that you can create with any pattern. A fun way to decorate your hairstyle.

IntervisteMalia Lab Flavia Amato Paride Giovagnetti Daniela Ferolla progetto Smafinec intervista ginestra Linea Verde

Ginestra project on Linea Verde, interview with Malìa Lab

Have you ever listened to the wonderful stories of Linea Verde? Saturday 1st April was our turn. In addition to telling our story, we talked about the collaboration on the SMAFINEC project: I had t...

ArticoliArticolo su la C news: Dall’Accademia delle Belle Arti marchigiana a Guardavalle

Article on C news: From the Marche Academy of Fine Arts to Guardavalle

A beautiful article that tells a little about me and our sustainable artisanal fashion and clothing line project. A pleasant chat had with Asmara. It tells a little everything about us and does it ...

EventiSpeaker per un giorno al SIOS WINTER EDITION

Speaker for one day at SIOS WINTER EDITION

My goodness, my goodness!!! A great emotion to speak in front of this huge audience for such an important event, in collaboration with great personalities and realities of our country and with Bocc...