Im happy with the work I do. I consider myself lucky, even privileged, to carry out the activity that I love, for which I have studied so much and made so many sacrifices. However, in order to enjoy this privilege I also had to make a courageous and not always easy, that is, becoming an entrepreneur and betting everything on my possibilities and abilities. It has certainly been and continues to be a great challenge and it's not always a bed of roses.
Let me start by saying that I am a person who has always considered failure not as a failure, but rather as an additional experience to achieve other goals, but I can openly confess to you that moments of discouragement, distrust and discouragement put you to the test during your journey and you need to have a lot of strength and the right support to overcome them.
I firmly believe in positivity and the law of attraction, which does not resolve itself into a simple "I want to become rich, therefore I will become rich", but rather in the possibilities you will have and in dealing with them in the best way to achieve success or at least satisfaction and this it certainly helps.
An entrepreneur, in my case a craftsman, carries out not only a manual activity, but also a very heavy mental one, which drains your energy and as much as you can derive satisfaction and energy from the appreciation for the products you create, you always have to find more to move forward and to have the strength to overcome moments of crisis and discouragement.
I was 25 years old and had been living and working in the Marche region for eight years, when I started thinking about creating something of my own, a brand that reflected my values and ideals. There I had part of my family, my brother and my sister and there I had my greatest affection, the one who would later become my husband 7 years later. It was not an easy choice to return to Calabria to do business. It wasn't an easy choice to even imagine doing it, let alone actually carrying out this sort of reverse emigration. For weeks I thought about what to do and also thanks to the support of my partner I chose what the best solution was. I courageously returned to my country, but it wasn't at all easy to start living again in what had always been my home until I was 18. Life starts from scratch, you have been missing for a long time and everything has changed around you. Affections and friendships have each taken their own path and often in a southern country, I say this with great regret, this path coincides with that of going elsewhere in search of work. You can't even imagine how much I cried during the first few months while I was renovating my grandmother's old shop in the center of town. I literally cried for everything, because the emotional load of such an undertaking (yes, returning to the south is a "heroic" undertaking in its own way) was very strong and added to all the perplexities and fears of opening a brand from nothing. The tears were then replaced by smiles and teary eyes, as I gradually saw my grandmother's old shop come back to life and take shape, slowly transforming into what is currently our small atelier. The workplace was ready, now came the difficult part, starting my business.

Sometimes it happens that the solution you thought of at the beginning is too difficult or laborious to implement and you spend days thinking about how to solve it (yes, as happens to many entrepreneurs, I'm one of those people who tends not to unplug once finished working hours and I think again and again analyzing step by step the work done up to that moment for that specific product, in search of a solution) without arriving at a result and you think about abandoning the product or not making it. It happens, and when you are at home, perhaps with your partner, on the sofa or simply sitting at the table, you seem distracted even if a person talks to you, because your brain is constantly looking for the solution. It's not easy, but you shouldn't give up. In these moments, what helps me is to expose all the problems or doubts I have to the person closest to me, in my case my husband Paride (who mainly deals with something else and not in the same field as me, but is still the person closest to me), and together with him think of a solution. The simple strength of a loved one to lean on, to vent and talk to, with whom to share the emotional load and anxiety or pressure on a doubt, can help find a solution, which is often so simple that you will think about how you don't managed to reach her first.
Opening a brand from scratch is not a simple undertaking, I'm not saying it's the most difficult ever, but you are courageously betting on yourself, using economic and psycho-physical resources, in the hope of achieving what you have in mind.You put yourself out there, with your creativity, your idea and your passion. During the path that leads to the prosperity and self-sufficiency of your dream, there are and will be many obstacles and moments in which you would like to give up everything and look for a safer and more stable path are around every corner. The important thing is to celebrate, symbolically speaking because you still have to work hard, every single goal you reach. Create a schedule or a roadmap, marking slightly higher objectives from time to time and erasing the progress achieved, one small step at a time, without necessarily overdoing it, because often overdoing it can also be counterproductive in the event of failure of one of the objectives pre-established.
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