Articolo su Elle Italia Malìa Lab atelier di abbigliamento sostenibile

Hey😍We are on Elle Italy!!!

The message "Flavia, you are on @elle_italia" is an indescribable emotion for me and a great milestone for our artisanal, sustainable fashion brand made in Calabria. With gratitude, we thank Laura ...

ArticoliFlavia Amato e Paride Giovagnetti proprietari e creatori di Malìa Lab

'Stories of Staying, on TGR Calabria they talk about us'

A heartfelt thank you to Mario Meliadò and TGR Calabria for telling our story with passion. For us kids from the south, this service confirms that, despite the difficulties, authentic value can be ...

ArticoliTelaio manuale Origini il laboratorio tessile di formazione aggregazione e innovazione

LaC News 24 ORIGINS – Historical yarns and loom in Guardavalle article by Rossella Galati

We sincerely thank Rossella Galati and LaC News24 for covering the opening of ORIGINI in Guardavalle. A workshop that recovers historical Calabrian yarns and the traditional loom, creating a place ...

ArticoliOrigini, il laboratorio tessile di telaio manuale

ORIGINI is born, the textile workshop for training and social interaction.

A huge thank you to Mario Meliadò and TGR Calabria for telling the story of our new adventure with the ORIGINI laboratory. The manual loom, a symbol of the history of our territory, as a tool that ...

ArticoliL'arte di fare abiti etici, un brand calabrese che rompe le mode

'The art of making ethical clothing, a Calabrian brand that breaks fashion trends'

A huge thank you to Maria Grazia Carnà for writing this beautiful article that reveals our story: the choice to do business in the south, the return to craftsmanship, and the commitment to creating...

IntervisteMalia Lab Flavia Amato Paride Giovagnetti Daniela Ferolla progetto Smafinec intervista ginestra Linea Verde

Ginestra project on Linea Verde, interview with Malìa Lab

Have you ever listened to the wonderful stories of Linea Verde? Saturday 1st April was our turn. In addition to telling our story, we talked about the collaboration on the SMAFINEC project: I had t...

ArticoliArticolo su la C news: Dall’Accademia delle Belle Arti nelle Marche, fino a Guardavalle

Article on C news: From the Academy of Fine Arts in the Marche, to Guardavalle

"A pleasant chat made with Asmara Bassetti from La C News. She tells a bit of everything about us and does it in her particular style." 

ArticoliFlavia Amato creatrice di Malìa Lab, il brand di moda sostenibile

Startup Italia article: "Sustainable fashion is not hippie stuff"

"I am fortunate to do the work I have always loved and to be able to carry it out while upholding my ideals. A heartfelt thanks to Alessandro di Stefano of STARTUPITALIA."

ArticoliArticolo Italia che Cambia: La sartoria artigianale etica di Flavia, tornata in Calabria per restare

Article Italy that Changes: Flavia's ethical artisan tailoring, returned to Calabria to stay

A huge thank you to Elisa Elia and Italia che Cambia for telling the story of Malìa Lab. A southern enterprise, returning to artisanal tradition, we create made-to-order garments in certified natur...

ArticoliArticolo su La Repubblica: La ginestra oltre i fiori: non si butta via niente

Article in La Repubblica: The broom beyond the flowers: nothing is thrown away

A great honor to participate in the Smafinec project as a designer. The broom is a heritage of our land and our history. For me it is very important to lend my skills in order to help, albeit in a ...